Friday, July 19, 2019

Internet Advertising (Web Advertising) :: BTEC Business Marketing GCSE Coursework

Web Advertising It is questionable whether advertising on the Web is effective, researchers say. According to Natia Enligh and Michael Pierce, authors of â€Å"Advertising on the Web,† the Web has the ability to deliver a flow of information. â€Å"For advertisers especially, the Web has enormous potential, mainly because of its vast size and global reach. Today marketers and advertisers are wondering just how they can use the Web to have the greatest impact on consumers.† Advertising on the Web is effective because it offers an extensive amount of information and is interactive. â€Å"Consumers can control the type of volume of information they get, in real time and with minimal effort. The Web has excellent potential to target common-interest groups nationally or across the world,† write Enligh and Pierce. Forrester Research Inc. of Cambridge, Mass. says because of the high cost of computers and Internet access, households that are on-line are more educated and have higher income levels than average ones. â€Å"Home Web users spend about four hours a week on-line. This means that they spend less time on other activities, particularly watching television. As a result, marketing strategies must integrate more mediums if they are to deliver a consistent message.† According to â€Å"Effective Internet Advertising Techniques,† (, these are some techniques to use when advertising on the Internet: †¢ Attract your reader with a catchy word or phrase right up front. †¢ Study other classifieds. If you see them repeatedly its because they work. †¢ Keep your classifieds brief and to the point, using phrases, not complete sketches. †¢ Use simple words, not long ones. Don’t confuse the reader. †¢ Tell the reader exactly what they are getting. †¢ Don’t try to sell the product in a classified. Simply try to get interested people to respond. †¢ Use energetic punctuation, such as exclamation points instead of periods. The Internet is Different Some experts believe reaching a younger target audience is effective for advertising on the Internet. â€Å"There are some sections of the population, such as young people and hobbyists, that you cannot reach with conventional media or whom it would be too expensive to reach with TV. The Internet is good mean to seek out niches,† says Andrew Rolf, creative director of Internet consultancy Hyperlink Interactive. (The Financial Times Limited-London) On-line advertising works differently than other mediums. Customers are in charge; they have control of the â€Å"Back† button.

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